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Write For US

Writer: Prasenjit Dutta ChowdhuryPrasenjit Dutta Chowdhury

Write For US Blog, Guest Post, Paid, Business, SEO, Digital Marketing, Web Design, WordPress!

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  • Write For US Blog

  • Write For US Guest Post

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  • Write For US SEO

  • Write For US Digital Marketing

  • Write For US Web Design

  • Write For US WordPress

If yes, then you are the right place now.

We are glad that you are interested in sharing your thoughts, stories, and opinions with our audience.

With guest posting, we invite Digital Marketing experts to write articles for our blog posts.

We do have a particular idea about what we should post on our blog and whatnot.

So before sending us any article check out our guidelines that you must follow.

We would reject any article that does not adhere to those guidelines.

Important: Due to a lot of guest posting requests, it takes time to approve an article for us.

We generally respond within 5 to 10 business days so kindly be patient once you send us the article.

If you do not get any response even after 15 business days of your submission, you can use it elsewhere.

Follow-up emails will not help as the approval process is tedious and we only respond once we check the writing.

In case you are looking for a prompt publishing platform then DigitalPrasen also offers sponsored guest posting.

For a sponsored article, our editors take 1 to 2 business days to approve.

Even for sponsored guest posting, your article needs to meet all our writing criteria.

Topics We Cover:

We cover all the following digital marketing topics:

● SEO services

● Content marketing


● Pay for Performance SEO

● Website Design

● Website Analytics

● Social Media Marketing

● Blogging

● Digital Advertising

● E-mail Marketing

● Small Businesses

● Start-up Marketing

● Conversion Optimization

● Online Innovation

● Reputation Management

● Influencer Marketing

What Do We Publish?

Digital Marketing Education: If you have expertise in digital marketing and the ability to educate our audience about digital marketing then you can send us your sample article.

You can send us your how-to articles, tips, case studies, and listicles on digital marketing.

Opinion of Experts: If you are an influencer in the industry with relevant experience and presence on the internet then you can join us as a guest post creator 

You can share your opinion about anything related to digital marketing through our blog.

Infographics:  If you have a solid infographic, you can send it to us with the introduction.

Guest Post Guidelines:

Before you send us your article for publishing, you should check out the following guidelines first.

Make sure you read them with the utmost attention and adhere to them.

● First of all, your article Should be free of grammatical and language errors.

● Your writing should be interesting, informative, and engaging.

We always tend to provide valuable information to our customers and answer their queries.

● You should always send us a well-organized article with heading, subheadings, bullets, images, and quotes.

● To engage our audience, you should give your story a human tone.

The article should not sound like a business offering.

● Always mention the source of your images, statistics, and quotes.

● Do not use irrelevant images, quotes, or images copyrighted by someone else in the article.

● You should complete the article within 800-1200 words.

● Do not promote any kind of products or services through your article.

● Make sure your article is unique and 100% plagiarism-free.

● Do not forget to attach your bio and headshot to the article.

● If we find any irrelevant promotional link in the article, we can delete it without your consent.

You can link your service pages to your bio or some relevant information to the content.

● Always make sure to send us the topic ideas before sending us the whole article.

If you do not adhere to the above-mentioned guidelines, you will not hear from us after submission.

Note: We do not publish articles reviewing any brand or services.

What Happens If Your Story Is Selected for Publication?

● Once we select a story, we send it to our editors for review.

If we want any changes in the article, we will send it back to you with our comments.

● We can edit the article or its title if we feel the need.

● We can share the article on any of our social media platforms giving writing credits to the author.

● The author can also republish the story on some other platforms mentioning Webinfotech as the original publisher.


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