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SEO For New Website

Writer: Prasenjit Dutta ChowdhuryPrasenjit Dutta Chowdhury

3 Simple SEO Tips For New Website to Improve Your Ranking

You want to get traffic to your website, but you aren’t sure how to do that. It’s something that you do need to use, though, since the Internet is used by billions worldwide, and not utilizing everything that you can to get people to your site will result in massive struggles. Fortunately, this post was written to help you with that.

You can do things like resource link building, which is a process that has you get backlinks from other pages, among other things. Here is how to grow your site using Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Find Relevant Phrases to Your Business and Brand and Use Them

You want to think like your potential customers, trying to envision how they might think when they are going to enter a particular search term into Google. By putting it in either your web content or blog, it will show up in the results.

You need to have a well-crafted site that is reputable, though, since Google has many different factors that go into what they rank a particular site.

Try to Get the First Ranking on Google With SEO

If you are able to write things that the search engine giant thinks to answer a particular query the best way, they will give it the first spot… which often translates to people clicking that particular result. This means that you can generate a lot of traffic to your site. It’s worth doing because people often don’t scroll past the first result to see if there is anything else.

That means being smart in both answering the question a certain way that also fits within your SEO methods and also having Google deem it the most comprehensive answer for that particular query.

Don’t Ignore Alt-Text For Images

This is a method of SEO that can improve your rankings and it takes very little time to do. You want to use phrases that both describe the image and also can help point to your site. Like if you write about a baseball team on your site, using that team name in the alt-text for the photo can help your search results and your traffic.

SEO can be tremendously helpful to your business or your brand. These are just a few ways that you can boost your site’s traffic. Once you get the hang of it, you should start seeing great results.



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